5 Best Protein Powder In India

best protein powder in India

Importance Of Protein In Human Life Protein is essential for the human body as it supports bone, muscles, and skin. A protein is made up of amino acids. There are 20 types of amino acid which make several proteins. Amino acids are known as building blocks because it is attached in a long chain. Amino … Read more



Coronavirus or COVID-19, which is a life-threatening virus nowadays. WHO has also declared this virus as a pandemic. It has spread almost in the three fourth of the countries in the world. Yet, some countries are not affected by this virus. Here is the list of the countries which are not affected by this virus … Read more

Tablighi Jamaat| History Of Tablighi Jamaat

The Tablighi Jamaat was founded by a Deobandi Islamic guru Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi in Mewat, Haryana, India, in the year 1926. As its name suggests, Al-Kandhlawi’s goal was to create a group of devoted preachers as a Muslim revivalist culture, who could revive many Muslims around the world who were not practicing “true” Islam, which … Read more